Americo Morales Salas
“Americo possesses that vision, the vision that perceives the invisible that surrounds the shape, the space that exists between the objects, he naturally sees it that way.”
María Elena Rábago
Americo is an artist from the city of Merida, Venezuela.
Americo has taken part in several exhibitions in Venezuela and Europe since 2008, when he had his first solo exhibition in Venezuela.
The work of Americo has been a source of inspiration and interest both inside and outside the world of art.

In 2010 Fundacion Polar released a limited edition printing of the book Americo y su Pincel: Imágenes de Un Mundo Especial (Americo and His Paint Brush: Images of a Special World) by Professor Maria Luz Salas de Morales.
Printed copies of this publication are available in selected libraries in Venezuela, Argentina and Spain.
In 2014 an electronic edition of the book was released by Editorial Vicerrectorado Académico de la Universidad de los Andes(Merida, Venezuela) and Fundacion Polar. You can download a Spanish version of the book via this website.